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Title |
Pages / Words |
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4 / 842 |
7 / 1789 |
Cleopatra: A professional queen or a passionate woman?
7 / 1908 |
Cold War
14 / 3896 |
Cold War
5 / 1237 |
Cold War
2 / 531 |
Colonial Latin American Slavery
5 / 1336 |
19 / 5179 |
6 / 1641 |
Communism In Cuba
6 / 1481 |
11 / 2928 |
Compairson Between the Inca Government and American Government
13 / 3618 |
Comparative politics - Eritrea
24 / 6462 |
Compare And Contrast The Foreign Policies Of Napoleon I And Louis-Philippe
5 / 1153 |
Compare and contrast the part that the city or state (polis) plays in Antigone and Oedipus the King.
6 / 1418 |
Comparing Governments: United Soviet Socialist Republic, Russian Federation
11 / 2923 |
Comparisons of the Histories of Livy and Tacitus:
7 / 1760 |
Conceptual Lanchester-Type Decapitation Warfare Modelling
21 / 5666 |
Concise History of India
9 / 2351 |
Conduct of War
5 / 1290 |
Conquering David
4 / 886 |
Conquest of Mexico
22 / 5971 |
Conquest of Mexico
5 / 1268 |
Conscription in Australia
2 / 530 |
Constantine the Great and His Influence on the Spread of Christianity
4 / 1099 |
Constantine the Great
7 / 1707 |
Constitution of The United States of America
9 / 2503 |
Cortes and Conquering the Great Aztec Empire
10 / 2640 |
6 / 1469 |
4 / 962 |
Could the Spanish Armada have succeeded?
7 / 1787 |
Creation of the World
3 / 752 |
Crimean War
3 / 779 |
15 / 4072 |
3 / 808 |
3 / 840 |
4 / 857 |
39 / 10784 |
Crusading Knight Orders [Templars, Hospitallers, Teutons, Holy Sepulchre]
38 / 10605 |
Cuban Missile Crisis
4 / 881 |
3 / 725 |
4 / 1097 |
canada world war 2
3 / 839 |
cape breton unions
12 / 3236 |
causes world war 1
6 / 1537 |
cinco de mayo
3 / 631 |
cinco de mayo
3 / 596 |
5 / 1332 |
cold war
5 / 1188 |
cold war
4 / 1017 |
comparison of the 3 different philosophical schools of the roman civiliazation
5 / 1376 |
compromise of 1850
6 / 1544 |
3 / 671 |
26 / 7135 |
8 / 2116 |
13 / 3545 |
10 / 2557 |
7 / 1839 |
Dante's Francesca and Paolo: "She Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"
5 / 1386 |
Delian League
6 / 1586 |
Describe and analyze the social, political, and economic effects of European contact with the Americas between 1450 and 1550
3 / 586 |
Desert Storm
8 / 2064 |
Did Homer's Trojan war exist?
6 / 1495 |
Dien Bien Fu
2 / 388 |
Differences between the French and American Revolutions
5 / 1344 |
Different Kinds Of Narration
60 / 16572 |
Discuss the reasons, which led to the failure of parliamentary democra
11 / 2954 |
Do You Know The Bill Of Rights
9 / 2420 |
Does history tell us the truth
4 / 1100 |
Dos Pilas
5 / 1204 |
Durga, Slayer of the Buffalo Titan
4 / 1029 |
4 / 1105 |
desegregation historiography
4 / 1113 |
5 / 1187 |
East Timor
6 / 1566 |
Edward the III
10 / 2530 |
11 / 2816 |
Egyptain Foreign Policy In Regards To Israel & The United States.
13 / 3425 |
Egyptian Life Under Roman Rule
6 / 1477 |
Egyptian Myths
13 / 3607 |
El Cid
3 / 743 |
Elizabeth I
15 / 3954 |
Emperor Constantine I
6 / 1658 |
Emperor Justinian: Builder of the Byzantine Legend
5 / 1259 |
England's Glorious Revolution
4 / 1111 |
Equality in Eduacation
3 / 785 |
Essay on the Punic Wars
2 / 558 |
European Domination
3 / 688 |
European Integration
8 / 2208 |
European Trade Routes 1100-1500
5 / 1380 |
Expansion of western europe
4 / 1027 |
Explain The Breakdown Of The Wartime Alliances And The Development Of The Cold War By 1947.
4 / 1058 |
Explain Why The United States Became Increasingly Involved In The War In Vietnam
3 / 633 |
Explain why British Civilians were affected by World War
9 / 2432 |
4 / 1090 |
ethnic groups in pakistan
4 / 1077 |
evolution of law
5 / 1128 |
examining the Civil War
7 / 1839 |
Factors Causing the Spanish Conquest
4 / 1027 |
Faith: A Strategic Factor In The First Crusade
6 / 1505 |
False Deities Cruch Aztecs
4 / 1063 |
Famous Commanders and Warlords during the Northern Expedition: KMT-CPC Split
10 / 2745 |
Fascism - Alternative Approach
7 / 1715 |
Fidel Castro'S Rise To Power
1 / 225 |
Foreign Affairs
15 / 4086 |
Formation Of The Un
4 / 879 |
Fort Agra
3 / 716 |
Franco- Winning the War
1 / 157 |
Franco-Prussian war
2 / 399 |
Frankish Kingdom
3 / 583 |
French Revolution (Causes and Changes)
25 / 6746 |
French warfare
5 / 1218 |
French/American Revolution
6 / 1500 |
From Oppressed Slaves to Champion Soldiers
15 / 4047 |
From the second reich to the wiemar republic
4 / 876 |
fall of roman empire
5 / 1342 |
fall of the roman empire
7 / 1815 |
fascism and communism
2 / 528 |
first punic war
4 / 907 |
free speech
11 / 2892 |
french politics
6 / 1402 |
GCSE History: Assignment One - First World War
6 / 1514 |
GCSE Weimar Germany
18 / 4799 |
13 / 3623 |
Gandhi Vs. Kemal
3 / 670 |
7 / 1703 |
Garland Dickey The Inventor Of The Giac
7 / 1866 |
Gender Roles in Lysistrata and Medea
6 / 1486 |
Genesis And Theogony... Plagiarism?
6 / 1490 |
Genghis Khan
7 / 1759 |
27 / 7526 |
George Washington
5 / 1128 |
George Washington
4 / 999 |
German History
8 / 2217 |
German Spring Offensive of 1918 (The Ludendorff Offensive)
4 / 1010 |
German Tribes
10 / 2552 |
German-Japanese Alliance
10 / 2549 |
8 / 2057 |
40 / 11175 |
Germany: The Answer To An Old Question
9 / 2343 |
Gingis Khan
4 / 929 |
Global Business
5 / 1289 |
Golan Heights: A Storied Past, An Unpredictable Future
11 / 3042 |
Gold Rush And War
10 / 2603 |
Government of Canada
15 / 4063 |
Great Batle Of Otumba
10 / 2557 |
Great Mistakes of the Greatests
5 / 1157 |
Great Wall
11 / 2912 |
Greek Democracy, Whole Years Info
53 / 14683 |
Greek Myth
14 / 3738 |
Greek Society
11 / 2985 |
Greeks and romans
4 / 925 |
1 / 277 |
george b mcclellan
7 / 1941 |
9 / 2285 |
governor Rick Perry
3 / 668 |
grachi tiberius gaius rome
7 / 1881 |
Haitian Revolution
2 / 487 |
Halifax explosion
17 / 4653 |
4 / 1107 |
Harry S Truman-The Early Years
2 / 519 |
Harry S. Truman
4 / 1033 |
Has socialism been defeated by capitalism?
15 / 3966 |
Henry Ford
2 / 361 |
Henry VI
2 / 453 |
Henry VIII
4 / 1036 |
12 / 3124 |
Historic Sailing Ships
5 / 1130 |
History 20
2 / 557 |
History Of Lebanon
12 / 3086 |
History Other
8 / 2139 |
History and culture of Jamaica
27 / 7410 |
History of Germany
5 / 1323 |
History of Israel
7 / 1914 |
History of the Holocaust
3 / 827 |
History of the Olympics
6 / 1553 |
11 / 2886 |
Hitler Fell.......
6 / 1609 |
Hitler and WWII
4 / 935 |
Hitler's Failues
5 / 1314 |
Hitler's Rise To Power
6 / 1423 |
Hitler's Rise To Power
7 / 1720 |
Hitler's Rise to Power
11 / 2898 |
Hitler's rise to power
7 / 1837 |
11 / 2861 |
Hitlers rise to Power
6 / 1413 |
Hitlers rise to power
4 / 1007 |
Hittites and Hittite Religion
7 / 1710 |
17 / 4554 |
4 / 1095 |
House of Hapsburg and Inbreeding
10 / 2591 |
How Hitler Rose To Power
11 / 2896 |
How Successful Was Bismarck In Maintaining His Political Control In Germany In The Years 1878 To 1890?
7 / 1910 |
How accurate is the perception that Spain underwent a transformation from an open and tolerant society in the late middle ages to a closed and intolerant one in the early modern period?
9 / 2360 |
How did the Hindu-Muslim divide affect the nationalist movement in India in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
5 / 1325 |
How did the Weimar Republic party come around?
2 / 404 |
How far had Britain moved towards a full democracy by 1928
12 / 3248 |
Hsuan Tsung: The Apex and Demise of the Tang Dynasty
3 / 734 |
Humanities term paper
9 / 2242 |
Hundreds Years War
9 / 2355 |