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Title |
Pages / Words |
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1984 vs. Brave New World
28 / 7830 |
5 / 1256 |
8 / 2067 |
33 / 9062 |
4 / 1093 |
2 / 504 |
32 / 8950 |
15 / 4199 |
8 / 2151 |
2 / 360 |
1 / 226 |
7 / 1893 |
1984: Government's Attempt To Control The Mind And Bodies Of Its Citiz
5 / 1200 |
1984: The Party Has Many Slogans
7 / 1811 |
The Turn of the Screw
4 / 1111 |
5 Love Laguages
2 / 469 |
7 harbits:6&7
3 / 829 |
90 Minutes of Perfection
6 / 1566 |
"Crime and Punishment" (Character Suffering)
3 / 689 |
"From Poppa" - book walk
11 / 2897 |
"Griffin & Sabine”
3 / 821 |
"I am Telling": Narrative and Identity in Absalom, Absalom
16 / 4359 |
"Northern Lights deals with large themes; love, betrayal, religion and science" Discuss
3 / 800 |
"Of Mice and Men" Book Report
3 / 794 |
?Samba Diallo is the victim of forces beyond his control'. Discuss this view of the protagonist of L'aventure ambigue.
4 / 1100 |
"Sweat" by Zora Neal Hurston
3 / 830 |
"The Crucible" Theme Essay
4 / 1080 |
"The Sabbath" book report
3 / 808 |
"Trailblazing" Analysis
3 / 813 |
“In what way is social class preventing Jane Eyre of living a life of equality and freedom, and how is this related to feminism?”
4 / 998 |
“Jesus, Mary, Muhammad and Vishnu!” – A Story of Religious Survival in “Life of Pi”
4 / 927 |
A Analysis Of Jack London Novels
11 / 2885 |
A Brave New World vs. 1984
4 / 974 |
A Child Called It Book Review
3 / 789 |
A Child Called It Essay
2 / 454 |
A Child Called It Notes
9 / 2288 |
A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
4 / 956 |
A Child Called It
2 / 332 |
A Child Called It
3 / 581 |
A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer
4 / 841 |
A Clockwork Orange Analysis
3 / 633 |
A Clockwork Orange
3 / 610 |
A Clockwork Orange
4 / 888 |
A Clockwork Orange
3 / 680 |
A Clockwork Orange: Review Of Book And Firm Version
4 / 1106 |
A Comparison Of "the Handmaid's Tale" And "anthem"
3 / 777 |
A Comparison between 1984 and Animal Farm with regards to Totalitarianism
12 / 3279 |
A Curious Mind
5 / 1153 |
A Desparate World And An Ordinary Hero
6 / 1651 |
A Discourse On Inequality(Rico Man)
6 / 1441 |
A Doll's House: Theme Of Emancipation Of A Woman
3 / 764 |
A Dwindling Faith
6 / 1403 |
A Farewell To Arms: Overview
2 / 293 |
A Good Man Is Hard To Find
4 / 935 |
A Lesson Befor Dying
1 / 197 |
A Little Commonwealth
3 / 702 |
A Medical Experience
7 / 1930 |
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Contrast In Human Mentality
3 / 826 |
A Prose Analysis On Milton's "sonnet Xix"
4 / 1093 |
A Reflection On Herman Melville's Accomplishments
10 / 2526 |
A Room Of One'S Own
15 / 3971 |
A Rose for Emily
3 / 659 |
A Rose for Emily
2 / 336 |
A Search for Meaning
4 / 1086 |
A Separate Peace- A Struggle for Innocence
2 / 378 |
A Separate Peace
4 / 1116 |
A Separate Peace
10 / 2613 |
A Separate Peace: Finny
3 / 784 |
A Small Good Thing
8 / 2091 |
A Small, Good Thing
7 / 1746 |
A Story Of An Hour: Feelings
2 / 468 |
A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4 analysis
3 / 637 |
A Streetcar Named Desire
10 / 2646 |
A Summary Of The Symbolism In The Scarlet Letter
19 / 5293 |
A Systems Approach To Performance Measurement In Hospitality
3 / 645 |
A Tale Of Two Cities LA
7 / 1840 |
A Tale of Two Cities
6 / 1430 |
A Temporary Matter and Earth and Ashes
2 / 289 |
A Thief Of Time by tony hillerman
3 / 690 |
A Walk In The Woods
3 / 822 |
A Worn Path
2 / 474 |
A child Called It by Dave Pelzer
8 / 2128 |
A child called it
6 / 1558 |
A forgotten Hero
3 / 668 |
A short book review on \
3 / 680 |
A sound of thunder
1 / 250 |
2 / 460 |
AHAB in moby dick
4 / 920 |
3 / 617 |
Aa Ghost Among Ghosts
4 / 887 |
Aa Ghost among ghosts
5 / 1345 |
Aa ghost among ghosts
3 / 731 |
Abortion In a Nutshell
7 / 1944 |
2 / 482 |
Accounts Settled: A Review
2 / 416 |
Achilles and Odysseus
7 / 1761 |
Adultery:Scarlet Letter
2 / 474 |
Aeneid By Virgil
51 / 14090 |
Agony And The Ecstacy
7 / 1803 |
Air Assault
6 / 1418 |
Al capone
3 / 737 |
Alcoholism and Angela's Ashes
4 / 1021 |
1 / 228 |
Aldous Huxley- Brave New World
5 / 1135 |
Alias Grace: Innocent or Guilty?
4 / 1100 |
Alice In Wonderland: Enduring, Endearing Nonsense
3 / 662 |
Alice in Wonderland
2 / 554 |
Alice in Wonderland
4 / 977 |
Alice's Adventures in Darwinism and the Realm of Child Versus Adult
14 / 3671 |
All About Abortion
11 / 2822 |
All Quiet On The Western Front
4 / 906 |
All Quiet On The Western Front: Alienation
3 / 630 |
All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes
4 / 1005 |
All Quiet on the Western Front
3 / 795 |
All Quiet on the western front
7 / 1761 |
AllQuiet on the Western Front
4 / 1096 |
Almasy, a Limited Character in The English Patient
3 / 806 |
56 / 15582 |
An Analysis Of Treasure Island
7 / 1789 |
An Analysis Of "heart Of Darkness"
5 / 1323 |
An Analysis of Conrad??s Heart of Darkness
5 / 1381 |
An Existence based on Forma (harmless untruths)
5 / 1343 |
An Exploration of D.H. Lawrence's,
10 / 2726 |
Analysis Essay on C.S. Lewis's
6 / 1513 |
Analysis Of Philip Roth's Everyman
6 / 1455 |
Analysis Of The Astronomer's Wife
3 / 770 |
Analysis Of Three Of Hawthorne's Works: Solitude And Isolation
8 / 2031 |
Analysis Of "13 Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird"
3 / 564 |
Analysis On Patriot Act
20 / 5523 |
Analysis of John Updike, \
5 / 1296 |
Analysis of Shoeless Joe
6 / 1642 |
Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper and Story of an Hour
4 / 1003 |
Analysis of the Sun Also Rises
11 / 3049 |
Analytical Essay on "The Fire On The Snow"
5 / 1269 |
Andrew Jackson
3 / 785 |
Angela's Ashes Review
24 / 6629 |
Angela's Ashes
17 / 4689 |
Angela's Ashes
13 / 3608 |
Angels And Demons Summary
2 / 503 |
Animal Farm Reading Journal
27 / 7451 |
Animal Farm
4 / 953 |
Animalism in Mcteague
6 / 1463 |
3 / 695 |
Anna Karenina
6 / 1409 |
Anna Karenina: Characters And The Life Novel
7 / 1685 |
Anne Moody
4 / 1031 |
Annotations: Childrens Literature
10 / 2541 |
Another Catcher in the Rye
6 / 1655 |
8 / 2212 |
38 / 10591 |
Appearances in Bartleby and The Purloined Letter
3 / 730 |
2 / 344 |
Arathi Basin
3 / 627 |
Argumentum Ad Nauseum
4 / 874 |
5 / 1134 |
Arnold Friend in "Where Are You Going, Where Hare You Been?"
4 / 1059 |
Art Appreciating Durning The Early Dynasty Era
3 / 696 |
Art from Baroque Period through the Postmodern Era
6 / 1455 |
9 / 2450 |
As I Lay Dying
13 / 3615 |
Assimilation into Society
5 / 1268 |
Australian Overviews
10 / 2704 |
Automotive Body Repairer
3 / 643 |
6 / 1450 |
a christmas carol
4 / 1114 |
a clockwork orange
7 / 1725 |
a literary analysis of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", by Harper Lee
18 / 5012 |
a pair of tickets
5 / 1393 |
a post-modern analysis of "women in the new east"
6 / 1507 |
a rose for emily
3 / 681 |
3 / 739 |
2 / 463 |
3 / 610 |
2 / 296 |
all quiet on the western front
4 / 911 |
american nation
14 / 3787 |
an old man with enormous wings
2 / 296 |
5 / 1223 |
5 / 1299 |
anima testing
5 / 1379 |
animal farm
3 / 786 |
animal rights
5 / 1186 |
art spiegelman, rebelious writer
13 / 3374 |
arthur dimmsdale
4 / 925 |
atlas shrugged
9 / 2325 |
autobiography of a face
5 / 1122 |
7 / 1722 |
BRAVE NEW WORLD - a defence of paradise-engineering
36 / 10063 |
Bad Girl Creek
2 / 455 |
Balanced Scorecard
7 / 1685 |
3 / 722 |
Beloved Close Analysis
4 / 1108 |
Beowulf And Grendel: Craving For The Queen
6 / 1469 |
Beowulf to froto baggins
4 / 959 |
3 / 710 |
1 / 228 |
Beowulf: First Literary Superhero
2 / 442 |
Beowulf: The Ultimate Hero
7 / 1739 |
Beowulf: Themes
4 / 991 |
Bernard Marx - Brave New World
2 / 463 |