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Title |
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Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper"
8 / 2109 |
Adolf Hilter
7 / 1947 |
Raphael Sanzio Biography
6 / 1525 |
Segmentation Cooking School William Angliss
13 / 3526 |
Techsonic Industries Inc. Humminbird New Products
10 / 2795 |
Michael Jackson`s Biography
10 / 2547 |
Recommendation Report On West Indies Yacht Club Resort
4 / 989 |
Alfred Hitchcock Psycho and Vertigo
4 / 1097 |
5 Pillars of Islam and 3 Types of Muslims
4 / 1109 |
Asian Religions in the USA
5 / 1379 |
Harold Pinter’s
10 / 2600 |
Business Operations and Logistics
9 / 2463 |
Conflict between Islamic and Western Civilizations
9 / 2407 |
Eric Garner
6 / 1556 |
History of Philosophy
5 / 1395 |
World Philosophers
6 / 1509 |
Religion and society in Tibet
8 / 2163 |
Movie "Sully" and History
9 / 2442 |
The "Hoosiers" Film Paper Analysis
8 / 2183 |
Song "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa
5 / 1389 |
Television and Culture
4 / 873 |
The Negative Impact of Television
7 / 1909 |
Science in the Muslim World
10 / 2563 |
The "Lost" TV Series
12 / 3154 |
Politics of Latin America
11 / 2951 |
Latin American Politics
6 / 1625 |
US-South Korea Relations
11 / 2985 |
Aestheticization of Politics
3 / 813 |
Environmental Problems in Africa
6 / 1606 |
Human Rights in Brazil
5 / 1369 |
Impoverished Nations
6 / 1542 |
3 / 589 |
Middle Passage
5 / 1257 |
3 / 599 |
Somalia vs United States
6 / 1439 |
A Brief History of Costa Rica
9 / 2242 |
American Colonies
7 / 1762 |
Attack in Pearl Harbor
4 / 1085 |
Blue Jeans, the Ultimate American Icon
5 / 1295 |
12 / 3156 |
Oswald Didn't Kill Kennedy
6 / 1587 |
Roosevelt's New Deal
11 / 2846 |
Spanish Settle of the West
6 / 1582 |
The Diversity Myth
20 / 5478 |
Ancient Greece
2 / 447 |
Cluniac Monasticism
6 / 1478 |
The 1500s
7 / 1873 |
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Cluniac Monasticism
6 / 1478 |
Why does the Iliad conclude with the funeral of Hektor?
6 / 1675 |
Art and technology - Schwartz & Moffat
11 / 2940 |
Australian Art 1930-1960
18 / 4990 |
Celebrity Infatuation
2 / 460 |
Chartres Cathedral
12 / 3224 |
Constructing a Revolution
7 / 1925 |
3 / 587 |
8 / 2117 |
How can we measure the success of a work of art? What norms do we use?
2 / 309 |
9 / 2363 |
Jaques Louis David
7 / 1890 |
Leading a School
5 / 1253 |
Middle Age Entertainers
8 / 1982 |
Othello as a Tragic Hero
9 / 2349 |
The History of Greek Theater
9 / 2442 |
Changing Values and Culture Shock
6 / 1550 |
Ideologies of the Democracy Movement in China
12 / 3116 |
Malaysian Economic Policy and FDI
13 / 3540 |
6 / 1428 |
Picture Bride
5 / 1335 |
Russian Culture: A look at its Religion and Art
5 / 1123 |
Adolf Hitler
5 / 1252 |
Balboa, a Spanish conqueror and explorer.
3 / 777 |
Baruch Spinoza
7 / 1717 |
Benito Mussolini Vs. Adolf Hitler
1 / 108 |
Bessie Smith
4 / 905 |
Bill Gates
5 / 1223 |
Elie Wiesel: A Survivor of the Holocaust
6 / 1622 |
Ernie Barnes: Research of the Football Artist
7 / 1747 |
F. Scott Fitzgerald
5 / 1205 |
Harriet Tubman
6 / 1402 |
Henri Cartier-Bresson
2 / 476 |
Henry Ford
6 / 1600 |
Herbert Hoover
5 / 1191 |
Hitler, Adolf - Biography
5 / 1251 |
JFK: His Life and Legacy
8 / 2060 |
JFK: The Death of a Conspiracy
7 / 1729 |
4 / 975 |
Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag
6 / 1593 |
Jimi Hendrix
6 / 1457 |
Malcolm X
5 / 1381 |
Marc Brown
1 / 186 |
Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, 1892 - 1973
6 / 1469 |
Queen Elizabeth I
3 / 684 |
Ray Bradbury
4 / 893 |
Ronald Reagan "The Great Communicator"
15 / 4101 |
The Interesting Narrative-Slavery
5 / 1399 |
The Life and Art of Salvador Dali
2 / 537 |
1984 Not So Far Off
9 / 2441 |
A Doll's House
8 / 2043 |
Amazing Grace
7 / 1786 |
Amusing Ourselves to Death; Mediums, Friend or Foe?
4 / 1085 |
Anne Frank
3 / 627 |
3 / 590 |
Barrio Boy and The Joy Luck Club
3 / 838 |
Beowulf Vs. The 13th Warrior
3 / 743 |
8 / 2188 |
Eric Arthur Blair
15 / 4108 |
Fahrenheit 451
3 / 644 |
Human Nature in Lord of the Flies
3 / 587 |
Human Values and Social Structures
7 / 1784 |
Importance of Symbols
6 / 1433 |
Lord of the Flies
2 / 515 |
Man's Indominability in The Grapes of Wrath
10 / 2590 |
My Antonia
6 / 1574 |
On Vaikom Muhammad Basheer’s Premalekhanam
2 / 391 |
Poisonwood Bible
7 / 1822 |
Right or Wrong
3 / 611 |
The Atomic Bomb
16 / 4454 |
The Basis of Religion
3 / 588 |
The Cost of Stability in Brave New World – Freedom
14 / 3919 |
The Crucible
5 / 1131 |
The Great Gatsby - Jay Gatsby's Greatness
5 / 1285 |
The Great Gatsby : Nick Carraway’s Perception
4 / 1051 |
The Great Gatsby
7 / 1805 |
The Grifters
3 / 565 |
The Handmaid's Tale Offred
32 / 8738 |
The Hardships of Growing Up
5 / 1392 |
The Hobbit
3 / 730 |
The Old Man and the Sea
2 / 396 |
The Outsiders
3 / 750 |
The Signficance of Violence in "The Destructors"
3 / 720 |
The Storm
4 / 933 |
The Zen of Zinn: A look at the first 3 chapters of A People's History
8 / 2101 |
A Warning to Society
3 / 734 |
Being Eleven
2 / 452 |
Being Pregnant
4 / 878 |
Fake Thug Life
3 / 682 |
Group & Teamwork Experiences: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
2 / 302 |
Impostor of Prosperity
3 / 827 |
Journalism, Real Creativity and Reactionary Creativity
3 / 801 |
Learning the Writing Business from Book Agents and Editors
8 / 2078 |
My Adventure
2 / 372 |
My Goals
3 / 787 |
Native Son
4 / 928 |
The Duel
9 / 2512 |
The Ice Cream Incident
4 / 910 |
The Mirrors
5 / 1203 |
What Matters?
2 / 502 |
2 / 338 |
1984 vs Brave New World
5 / 1206 |
A Cream Cracker Under the Settee
5 / 1122 |
A Streetcar Named Desire
6 / 1449 |
A View from the Bridge
27 / 7334 |
Bats! Flying Creatures of the Night!
3 / 642 |
Beowulf vs. The 13th Warrior
2 / 489 |
Bob Marley
5 / 1178 |
Books are not Dying
3 / 764 |
Crime and Punishment
5 / 1281 |
Emerson's Individualism
3 / 835 |
Frank Black
2 / 344 |
Hitler's Willing Executioners
2 / 503 |
How the Colonization Era affected Authors
4 / 1044 |
Immortal Hopes of Animal Farm
6 / 1638 |
Knowledge in Name of the Rose
8 / 2015 |
Masculinity in Hemingway
5 / 1195 |
Of Mice and Men
2 / 353 |
Play called Absent Friends
5 / 1205 |
Primal Instinct
3 / 771 |
Racism in "Master Harold"
7 / 1727 |
Regarding Henry
2 / 541 |
Say it, Write it, Defend it and Judge it – in English!
14 / 3676 |
Similarities and Difference between Oceania in 1984 and the USA
6 / 1535 |
Syllabus vs Curriculum
15 / 3986 |
The Credibility of Expository Texts RE 'Unzipped' - Bronwyn Donaghy
3 / 760 |
The Handmaid's Tale
4 / 878 |
The Last of the Mohicans as a Mixture of Genres
10 / 2573 |
Trip to United States
5 / 1205 |
What Do You Find Interesting About The Ways The Writer Presents?
4 / 878 |
What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
3 / 771 |
A History of Poland
4 / 986 |
Berlin Wall
9 / 2519 |
British Foreign Relationships
8 / 2135 |
Great Britain
7 / 1815 |
6 / 1561 |
Greek Cypriot Leaders
3 / 723 |
Inspector Calls Coursework
8 / 1977 |
Italian Mafia
5 / 1227 |
Kissinger, Metternich, Realism
4 / 887 |
13 / 3381 |
4 / 986 |
Policy Proposal for Economic Reform in Russia
10 / 2642 |
6 / 1480 |
The "Phenomenon" of Greece
20 / 5380 |
The Articles of Confederation
3 / 774 |
The Corset
4 / 965 |
The Effect of One Tribe on an Entire Nation
3 / 764 |
18 / 4933 |
Basic Greek History
6 / 1501 |
British Monarchy
21 / 5772 |
Causes of WW1
8 / 2226 |
Czarist Regime
7 / 1934 |