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Title |
Pages / Words |
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Book Banning
3 / 691 |
Bottles of Empty Promises
4 / 982 |
Brave New World Introduction
8 / 2189 |
Brave New World
4 / 897 |
Brave New World
2 / 535 |
Breaker morant
5 / 1186 |
Brendan Behan:Biography
12 / 3163 |
Bridges At Toko-Ri
3 / 586 |
12 / 3160 |
Call of the wild
4 / 1047 |
Can women in Hamlet been seen as victim's in a man's world?
6 / 1502 |
Canterbury Tales
5 / 1135 |
Capital Punishment
1 / 276 |
Capital Punishment
11 / 2807 |
Capital Punishment
4 / 955 |
Case Dismissed - "A Jury of Her Peers"
10 / 2592 |
Cather in the Rye
5 / 1265 |
Cell Phones
4 / 1058 |
5 / 1203 |
Censorship of rap music
2 / 327 |
7 / 1757 |
Character analysis of Emily from "Truth of Consequences"
4 / 921 |
Charles Dickens; Reforming From Experience
13 / 3493 |
Chasing After Wind: What is Fantasy?
6 / 1402 |
Chatting to a Distraction
10 / 2647 |
Chaucer The Pardoner
7 / 1824 |
Childish Behavior
3 / 821 |
Children's Eating Habits in France vs. United States
5 / 1276 |
4 / 1047 |
Church and State
7 / 1728 |
2 / 510 |
4 / 924 |
Coming To America?Maybe
7 / 1958 |
Commas And Semi-Colons
1 / 280 |
Common Source
4 / 1035 |
Comparative Essay on the death penalty
8 / 2013 |
Compare The Two Articles On Henri Paul
5 / 1359 |
Compare and Contrast the movies Requiem for a Dream and Malena
5 / 1373 |
Comparsion between Fitzgerald and Babe Ruth
9 / 2306 |
Conflicts are in the novels
2 / 319 |
Considering Fantasy's Special Effects
5 / 1362 |
Constructs of Reality
8 / 2187 |
Cpitol Punishment
12 / 3212 |
5 / 1293 |
Cultural diversity
6 / 1622 |
3 / 761 |
Dante Algiheri
5 / 1178 |
Dark They Were And Golden-Eyed By Ray Bradbury
2 / 343 |
Death Penalty
3 / 696 |
8 / 1972 |
7 / 1776 |
8 / 2068 |
Discovered: The New Harry Potter
3 / 815 |
Dress Code
2 / 348 |
Dress Code
2 / 347 |
Drinking 101: College Drinking & Its Effects
7 / 1681 |
Driver and Their Bad Habits
3 / 614 |
Drug Wars
6 / 1672 |
Drugs should their use and sale be legalized
4 / 1031 |
Duke Ellington
7 / 1733 |
6 / 1512 |
6 / 1442 |
Editorial Speech
2 / 333 |
Edna O'Brien
18 / 4769 |
English One
8 / 2183 |
Enhancement of Life
5 / 1334 |
Eros, Dios, and the End of the Affair
12 / 3129 |
19 / 5269 |
18 / 4815 |
8 / 2084 |
Ethical issues of sex selection
8 / 2044 |
2 / 554 |
3 / 719 |
Evolution of the Family in Latin American Literature
5 / 1290 |
Exploding a Moment
1 / 129 |
Expository texts Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cook
7 / 1800 |
Fahrenheit 451 - Fiction is now fact...
3 / 601 |
Fahrenheit 451
2 / 458 |
4 / 877 |
Farenhiet 451
2 / 552 |
7 / 1693 |
Father/Son Relationship in Henry IV and V
7 / 1737 |
Feminist or Humanist, the Nature of Henrik Ibsen
3 / 802 |
Fenstad's Mother
4 / 954 |
Ferenheit 451
6 / 1490 |
Flag Burning 1989
8 / 2058 |
Flowers for Algernon
2 / 434 |
Forbidden Reading
9 / 2329 |
4 / 1096 |
Fraudulent Activity in Baseball History
6 / 1567 |
Freedom Songs
6 / 1436 |
77 / 21509 |
Fur Is Dead Research Paper
4 / 918 |
GAy rights
9 / 2324 |
12 / 3162 |
2 / 300 |
8 / 1987 |
Gay should be allowed to adopt
3 / 821 |
9 / 2414 |
Gender Representation
2 / 380 |
Gender and Communication
9 / 2520 |
Globe Theater
4 / 1089 |
Globilization: At what cost?
3 / 624 |
Go Ask Alice
3 / 771 |
5 / 1234 |
Great Gatsby
6 / 1663 |
3 / 675 |
6 / 1572 |
6 / 1555 |
Handmaid's Tale Essay
6 / 1584 |
Handmaid's tale
13 / 3413 |
Harrison Bergeron
4 / 1045 |
Harry Potter Vs. Where The Red Fern Grows
3 / 717 |
Harry Potter and the Camber of Secrets
2 / 557 |
Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone
5 / 1196 |
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Follows Mythological Hero Model
4 / 966 |
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
8 / 2193 |
Harry Potter vs Frodo Baggins
8 / 2085 |
Harry Potter vs. Neverwhere
11 / 2909 |
Harry and religon
2 / 354 |
4 / 925 |
Has Cheating Become The New Fair Play?
14 / 3771 |
Hawthorne’s “Artist of the Beautiful”
8 / 2075 |
Hazing Is Wrong
5 / 1316 |
Heart Of darkness paper
4 / 925 |
Heat And Dust
6 / 1598 |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
3 / 731 |
Hiring And Retaining Valuable Employees
15 / 4147 |
History of English Sports
7 / 1755 |
2 / 455 |
40 / 10943 |
Holiday Customs in Victorian England
3 / 692 |
Home Burial
5 / 1362 |
Homework Should Be Banned
1 / 275 |
Homosexuality And Oppression In Greek Orthodox
3 / 790 |
Hope and Futility in Of Mice and Men
7 / 1837 |
How Does Shakespeare Make The Audience Respond To Henry As A Man
3 / 753 |
How Far have we Come
5 / 1207 |
How does Patrick Kavanagh address the concept of landscape in his poetry?
6 / 1480 |
Huck Finn
13 / 3602 |
Huck Finn
3 / 705 |
Huck Finn: Listening to your Heart or Listening to Society
8 / 1978 |
HuckleBerry Finn
5 / 1135 |
Huckleberry Finn ? Controversial
3 / 563 |
Huckleberry Finn
3 / 791 |
Huckleberry finn
3 / 633 |
Huey P. Long
3 / 824 |
4 / 906 |
I was alone
1 / 147 |
Ibsen's Ghost
3 / 692 |
Ill Fated Lives
4 / 950 |
In Defense of Abortion
6 / 1444 |
In Depth Look at Montag from Fahrenheit
3 / 618 |
In Harry's Name We Pray
4 / 958 |
Incorporating Modifications To The Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act
12 / 3277 |
Indian writing in English
5 / 1361 |
Internet And Globalization
2 / 377 |
Is Partial-Birth Abortion Moral?
6 / 1512 |
Is Spanking Your Child Ok
3 / 655 |
Issue: should smoking be banned in clubs, pubs, restaurants, etc.
3 / 612 |
J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of the Modern Fantasy
6 / 1521 |
Japan whaling really scientific essay
3 / 584 |
11 / 2852 |
John Donne
24 / 6511 |
John Steinbeck
4 / 989 |
10 / 2588 |
6 / 1549 |
Journey into the Puritan Heart: Nathaniel's Hawthorne's Young Goodman
12 / 3188 |
3 / 601 |
Junk Food should be banned in Schools
3 / 826 |
Just A Game Of Cat And Mouse
2 / 342 |
Juvenile Death Penalty
7 / 1820 |
Katherine Mansfield?¦s Bliss - The pear tree as a symbol for Bertha?¦s life
6 / 1573 |
King Lear
15 / 4047 |
Kite Runner Summary
41 / 11304 |
Kite Runner
2 / 481 |
Lady Chatterley's Lover
7 / 1816 |
Language Choice Within “The Catcher In The Rye”
4 / 1014 |
Late Term Abortion
5 / 1376 |
7 / 1740 |
Leda and the Swan
17 / 4605 |
Legalization Of Gambling Pro/Pro
6 / 1530 |
Legalization Of Weed
9 / 2449 |
6 / 1464 |
Legislative Proposal For New Indecency Language In Telecom Bill
11 / 2882 |
Lewis Carroll
5 / 1379 |
Litanary Analysis On Trifles
3 / 747 |
Literary Elements
2 / 466 |
15 / 4015 |
?In her preface to Mary Barton, Gaskell writes "I know nothing of political economy of the theories of trade. I have tried to write truthfully." What kinds of truths does she attempt to convey?
5 / 1363 |
"You go around raking up the past and sharing it with every Tom, Dick and Harry." ?Mired in his own self-interest, Christopher's father ultimately fails to understand his son.' DO YOU AGREE?
4 / 874 |
a single shard summary
7 / 1901 |
7 / 1820 |
alice and wonderland
1 / 62 |
3 / 821 |
angry men
3 / 745 |
animal farm
2 / 331 |
animal testing
2 / 545 |
8 / 2082 |
balzac and the chinese seamstress
4 / 986 |