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Title |
Pages / Words |
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The Old Man And The Sea: Man Defeated
7 / 1892 |
The Old Man and the Sea
2 / 299 |
The Pigman
2 / 457 |
The Problem In Macbeth
12 / 3174 |
The Ruins
3 / 578 |
The Things They Carried
5 / 1343 |
The Things They Carried
5 / 1362 |
The Things They Carried
4 / 941 |
The Things They Carried: What's "Real"?
3 / 821 |
The Time Machine - Plot Summary
3 / 807 |
The Woman In Black
3 / 764 |
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
4 / 902 |
The World Is Flat
3 / 786 |
The idea of bodily desire
6 / 1611 |
The mammoth hunters
6 / 1631 |
The woman who wlked into doors
4 / 865 |
Their Eyes Were Watching God
5 / 1185 |
Thinking and Decision Making
6 / 1497 |
To Kill A Mocking Bird
3 / 664 |
To Kill a Mockingbird. (in a flash)
18 / 4944 |
To Reinvent or Not, That is the Question
2 / 516 |
To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee
2 / 540 |
To kill a mokingbird
6 / 1657 |
the great crash 1929
1 / 232 |
the iceberg theory in the old man and the sea
12 / 3197 |
the necklaace
4 / 882 |
the quiet american
5 / 1277 |
the sisterhood of the traveling pants
4 / 967 |
the stand
3 / 687 |
the things they carried
3 / 790 |
tuesday with morrie
2 / 559 |
3 / 702 |
Vernon Little Stands Alone in Lack of Parenthood
9 / 2397 |
View of humanity ( The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
2 / 440 |
4 / 986 |
5 / 1230 |
Week Four Paper
4 / 1000 |
Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?
4 / 962 |
Where have all the leaders gone
4 / 903 |
White Noise
9 / 2394 |
William Wordsworth's poems and David Malouf's novel, An Imaginary Life, it is evident how different times and cultures affect the quality and importance of the relationship humanity can have with the natural world
6 / 1503 |
2 / 547 |
Big Brother
7 / 1764 |
‘Greece And The Euro,
52 / 14486 |
“Harrah’S Entertainment Inc.” By Rajiv Lal
5 / 1362 |
A Guide to Documentary Payments & Short-Term Trade Finance
109 / 30247 |
A Heap of Trouble for HVB
3 / 671 |
A Letter To The President
2 / 334 |
A Study Of The Factors That Will Increase The Number Of Chinese Tourist Visits To South Africa, With A Particular Reference To The Chinese Tourism Industry In Shanghai.
107 / 29825 |
Accounting History
3 / 795 |
8 / 2020 |
17 / 4677 |
Affirmative Action
10 / 2646 |
Age Discrimination
8 / 2189 |
Airtel-Winning Customers Through Loyalty Program"
4 / 1038 |
Alitalia Industry Report
23 / 6397 |
An Assessment of Southwest Airlines
5 / 1341 |
Analysis of Flawed Research
6 / 1603 |
Analysis of How Microsoft Should Spend its Cash
4 / 990 |
Analysis of U.K supermarket development strategy
12 / 3243 |
Anatomy of a brand
6 / 1600 |
Aqualisa Quartz: Simply A Better Shower
3 / 831 |
Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a Better Show
3 / 624 |
Article Analysis: Let's Get Fictional (Economics)
4 / 1069 |
Assessing and Regulating Healthcare
2 / 317 |
Assessment of Flamholtz and Management Control Systems
8 / 2060 |
Assessment of canadian mobile business
5 / 1314 |
2 / 377 |
Atlantic Computers Case
6 / 1410 |
30 / 8296 |
1 / 276 |
american interest groups
13 / 3536 |
analysis of dynacorp case
8 / 2223 |
apple case
33 / 9008 |
BEst BUY Case Study
6 / 1555 |
Bamboo Flooring Report
37 / 10199 |
Banco Santander And The Acquisition Of Abn Amro And Abbey National
11 / 2810 |
Bangladesh’S Position In The Eu Knitwear Market In The Post Mfa Period
30 / 8255 |
66 / 18221 |
Benefits Analysis
16 / 4306 |
Benefits for Gays and Lesbians
13 / 3569 |
Bill Gates
5 / 1237 |
Bmw In India
40 / 11083 |
Boeing Company Swot Analysis
5 / 1355 |
Bringing Life to Wallstreet
3 / 810 |
Budget Deficit
2 / 335 |
6 / 1527 |
Business Cases
13 / 3442 |
Business Ethics and the Connection to Communication: Does the Truth Really Matter?
9 / 2275 |
Business Law
23 / 6385 |
Business at work
28 / 7653 |
13 / 3368 |
business ethics
8 / 2155 |
7 / 1923 |
Cafe Marketing Plan
14 / 3766 |
Canada and Brazil: The Trade War
5 / 1138 |
Case Studies
15 / 4036 |
Case Study
33 / 9028 |
Casino DEvelopment in Massachusetts
20 / 5401 |
Catering Industry in India
56 / 15447 |
Cell phones and driving
5 / 1163 |
Cellular phone companies in developing markets
1 / 265 |
Cement Industry Of Pakistan
77 / 21468 |
Changes In The Dynamic Context Of Hrm
8 / 2077 |
Changing the age of gambling
4 / 871 |
Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Traits
2 / 560 |
Cheeseburger in Paradise
9 / 2313 |
China’S Rapidly Growing Economy And Its Pending Implosion
11 / 3009 |
25 / 6807 |
3 / 613 |
Coffee is king
4 / 951 |
Comparison of Unilever and P&G Marketing Strategies
6 / 1473 |
Competition in Bottled Water Industry
7 / 1929 |
Consumer behavior - Goal-oriented and Experiential online buyer
13 / 3525 |
Corporate Strategy - Starbucks
23 / 6271 |
Cosmetic Mk In Thailand
4 / 1112 |
Country Business Analysis I
4 / 885 |
Countrywide & Subprime Lending Crisis
18 / 4817 |
Cowgirl Chocolates
3 / 622 |
Cross_cultural Diversity Proposal
9 / 2422 |
CrysTel Leadership and Change Management -UoPhoenix
22 / 5969 |
Cultural Diversity in Business
3 / 747 |
Cycle Company
2 / 292 |
4 / 897 |
14 / 3819 |
2 / 357 |
carnival cruise case
12 / 3102 |
9 / 2359 |
conflict between humanistic and scientific value
32 / 8742 |
10 / 2640 |
Decision Making Model
5 / 1235 |
Dell Incorporated
18 / 4773 |
Detailing the implications of a team leader not having interpersonal skills
5 / 1162 |
Deutsche Bank AG
2 / 540 |
Developing Managers
36 / 10005 |
Dimensions of Culture Values and Communication
4 / 884 |
5 / 1363 |
Discuss the assertion that the fair presentation requirements of IAS1 will undermine the UK’s view of true and fair.
7 / 1700 |
Discuss the nature of, and explanations for, gender inequalities in society.
6 / 1545 |
Downsizing And Employee Morale In And Around The United States
11 / 3015 |
Dutch Boy Paints Marketing Plan for Puerto Rico
22 / 6073 |
digital TV
17 / 4729 |
distribution channels
17 / 4727 |
E-commerce Toy Industry Analysis Report
12 / 3182 |
16 / 4408 |
37 / 10117 |
10 / 2538 |
Economics -Investing
31 / 8636 |
Economics Commentary
4 / 1042 |
9 / 2266 |
12 / 3090 |
229 / 63930 |
Effective Stakeholder Dialogue
4 / 977 |
Eli Lilly and Company and Insulin Business
4 / 1020 |
Emminent Domain: How Can They Do That?
3 / 645 |
Entrepreneur Observation Report
6 / 1662 |
Essay Topic: Drawing From Current Literature, Discuss The Relationship Between Pay And Performance Motivation.
7 / 1830 |
22 / 5955 |
Etf'S Users Guide
2 / 306 |
Ethics Of International Trade
11 / 3042 |
Ethics Scenario
5 / 1389 |
Ethics in Business
29 / 7970 |
Eurasia International: Total Quality Management in the Shipping Industry
5 / 1387 |
Evaluate the costs and benefits to modern business from engaging in foreign direct investment.
7 / 1781 |
Executive Summary
6 / 1601 |
Explain the role of Proximity and Globality in effectiveness
23 / 6227 |
5 / 1382 |
economic and demographic characteristics of romania
10 / 2582 |
economic articles
7 / 1836 |
economic enjustic
1 / 210 |
ethics in business
3 / 616 |
Factors that affect job selection
19 / 5041 |
Fastenal Industry Situation Analysis
55 / 15245 |
Financial Analysis of Selected Airlines
25 / 6868 |
Financial Analysis of The Cheesecake Factory
10 / 2623 |
Fishing in Kingston, Ontario
13 / 3607 |
Five Dysfunctions of a Team
5 / 1199 |
Footlocker Analysis
10 / 2626 |
Ford Bets Billions On Jaguar
6 / 1509 |
Foreign Direct Investment:: Country Risk Assessment of Spain
20 / 5572 |
Foreign Direct Investments
59 / 16479 |
Free Report
31 / 8503 |
Frito-Lay Dips
7 / 1700 |
Function And Roles Of Rba
11 / 2991 |
Functions of marketing, Perfetti van Melle
6 / 1612 |
63 / 17597 |
GAP Casual Clothing
21 / 5779 |
Gambling Industry
92 / 25608 |
Garments Case Study
11 / 2843 |
Gas And Oil Inflation And What Gov'T Can Do
4 / 1021 |
Gene One - Problem Solving
20 / 5594 |
General Electric taking over Jenbacher
10 / 2701 |
3 / 666 |
Gifts in The Sent Down Girl
4 / 886 |
Global Capitalism in the twenty first century
10 / 2568 |
Global Communications
14 / 3899 |
Global Expansion
4 / 1082 |
Global Financial Corporation
2 / 482 |
Goup Decision Making
6 / 1545 |
3 / 564 |