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Title |
Pages / Words |
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American Industrial Revolutin DBQ
13 / 3542 |
American Involvement
11 / 3014 |
American Legion Report
2 / 434 |
American Leisure: Cinema of the 1920s and 1930s
8 / 2116 |
American Massacre
3 / 810 |
American Newspaper Comics
11 / 3074 |
American Presidents
3 / 575 |
American Revolution Causes
9 / 2259 |
American Revolution vs Locke
4 / 947 |
American Revolution
16 / 4216 |
American Revolution
6 / 1668 |
American Revolution
4 / 993 |
American Revolution
3 / 562 |
American Revolution
3 / 821 |
American Revolution
8 / 2058 |
American Revolution
3 / 600 |
American Revolution
3 / 600 |
American Revolution
4 / 937 |
American Revolution: What Were They Really Fighting For?
45 / 12361 |
American Revoultuion
7 / 1929 |
American Temperance Movement
6 / 1622 |
American Tragedy: The Kennedy Assassination
6 / 1612 |
American Tragedy: The Kennedy Assassination
6 / 1576 |
American Wartime Media
6 / 1421 |
American Youth
9 / 2273 |
American civil rights
40 / 10928 |
American dreams and Obstacles
9 / 2507 |
Americans Attitude Change in the 60's
8 / 2188 |
4 / 1067 |
9 / 2372 |
9 / 2368 |
Amityville Horror
4 / 967 |
Amnesty International
1 / 181 |
An Acquitance With Darkness
15 / 4126 |
An Act of War
1 / 187 |
An Analysis Of The Main Character In The Great Catsby
11 / 2912 |
An Analysis of "The Life and Murder Trial of Xwelas, a S'Klallam Woman
3 / 722 |
An Army at Dawn
4 / 940 |
An Avoidable Civil War
5 / 1138 |
An Experience Unlike Any Before
6 / 1558 |
An Inconvenient Truth?
3 / 696 |
An Outline Of American History
38 / 10414 |
Analysis Of How To Avoid A New Cold War
3 / 771 |
Analysis of the First World War
7 / 1697 |
Analyzing A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
8 / 2107 |
Anasazi Culture
5 / 1328 |
Ancient history Trojan War
1 / 195 |
Andersonville Prison
16 / 4301 |
7 / 1900 |
Andrew Jackson A Tyrant
7 / 1832 |
Andrew Jackson A Tyrant
7 / 1832 |
Andrew Jackson, The "Sharp Knife"
6 / 1426 |
Andy Warhol
3 / 809 |
Anglo Irish Agreement
8 / 2159 |
Anglo Saxon Art
3 / 587 |
Angola Prison
2 / 354 |
4 / 1109 |
Animal Farm
5 / 1148 |
Anne Hutchinson
13 / 3609 |
Another Salem Witch Trials
16 / 4258 |
Another World War II
7 / 1798 |
10 / 2555 |
Anti-Vietnam Movement In The U.S.
11 / 2814 |
Anti-Vietnam movement
10 / 2582 |
3 / 679 |
13 / 3633 |
Aorld War 1
3 / 673 |
Ap American
3 / 772 |
Ap Us
3 / 771 |
8 / 2219 |
Art Critique
2 / 515 |
Art Styles
2 / 356 |
21 / 5830 |
Articles v. Constitution
5 / 1354 |
As Seen on TV: The 1968 National Democratic Convention
12 / 3275 |
Ask not what your country can do for you
6 / 1423 |
Assasination Vacation
5 / 1251 |
Assassination Of John F. Kennedy
14 / 3849 |
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
5 / 1326 |
Atlantic Slave Trade
6 / 1466 |
Attack on Pearl Harbor
11 / 2959 |
3 / 630 |
Awakening A Sleeping Giant
6 / 1620 |
a lesson before dying critique
4 / 951 |
a midwife's tale
2 / 376 |
abuse of discretion
10 / 2755 |
adam smith
11 / 2883 |
adolf hitler
22 / 5971 |
african american culture
15 / 4128 |
african americans in the civil war
8 / 2216 |
5 / 1208 |
america 1930
8 / 2017 |
4 / 934 |
american character - then and now
8 / 2075 |
american immigration
8 / 2173 |
american revolution, revolutionary?
2 / 511 |
american slavery
1 / 211 |
american studies
3 / 651 |
american values
8 / 2147 |
american war
1 / 228 |
5 / 1125 |
2 / 506 |
an american dream
2 / 334 |
analysing the historical content of the crucible
5 / 1333 |
ancient astronauts
3 / 677 |
ancient greece
3 / 809 |
apaches research project
7 / 1846 |
are newspapers dying
2 / 324 |
Baltimore, 1730 – 1830: Location of Opportunity
11 / 3023 |
7 / 1685 |
Barron Robbers
2 / 466 |
Bartolome De Las Casas Seems Like a Cool Dude
2 / 542 |
Baseball the game of passion
4 / 937 |
5 / 1388 |
Battle of Gettysburg
7 / 1772 |
Bay Of Pigs
16 / 4236 |
Bay Of Pigs
16 / 4390 |
Bay of pigs
5 / 1376 |
4 / 1035 |
Beginning of Basketball
5 / 1220 |
Ben Franklin
7 / 1824 |
Benedict Arnold's Treason
8 / 2069 |
Benjamin Franklin and his relation to American Identity
3 / 668 |
Benjamin Franklin
7 / 1947 |
Berea College and Its Impact On Appalachia
13 / 3588 |
Berkeley in the Sixties
1 / 253 |
Berlin Wall
6 / 1501 |
Best And The Brightest
8 / 2134 |
Bidding for lives
4 / 949 |
Big Business in the Gilded Age
4 / 943 |
Biograhpical statement on American Government
6 / 1637 |
Birth of American Newspaper
4 / 870 |
Black Elk's Cultural Displacement and His Relationship with Nature
3 / 825 |
Black Hawk Down Movie Review
3 / 771 |
Black history
3 / 721 |
8 / 2184 |
Blood Meridian
4 / 1073 |
Bmw Company
2 / 449 |
4 / 889 |
Book Review 3: A Way of Duty
4 / 890 |
Book Review, The Jungle
3 / 592 |
Book Review
2 / 473 |
Booker T. Washington Versus W. E. B. DuBoise
6 / 1521 |
Booker T. Washington Vs. W.E.B. Dubois
4 / 1009 |
Booker T. Washington
5 / 1169 |
Boston Massacre vs. Kent State Shootings
12 / 3243 |
Boston Massacre
3 / 599 |
Boston Massacre
2 / 348 |
Brief Timeline of events leading up to world war one
4 / 926 |
British Identity DBQ
4 / 1010 |
Brown Vs. Board of Education
5 / 1199 |
Brown Vs.Board Of Education
8 / 2147 |
Brown v. Board of Education
4 / 1103 |
Brown vs. Board of Education
4 / 1079 |
3 / 813 |
Bush's Address To Congress - Environment, Charity, and Education
6 / 1498 |
1 / 275 |
4 / 851 |
ballad of birmingham
4 / 1096 |
1 / 203 |
baroque music
21 / 5674 |
bay of pigs
5 / 1182 |
bay of pigs
16 / 4390 |
3 / 794 |
ben franklin chpt.1-3
43 / 11879 |
black and chinese americans
2 / 483 |
black arts movement
6 / 1605 |
black crisis
11 / 2973 |
black panther
2 / 544 |
3 / 632 |
5 / 1244 |
boston massacre
2 / 518 |
british perspective of 9/11
5 / 1170 |
5 / 1128 |
5 / 1136 |
27 / 7393 |
3 / 684 |
C. Vann Woodward
2 / 464 |
9 / 2401 |
COLD war
5 / 1160 |
11 / 3051 |
California Gold Rush Of 1849
6 / 1583 |
California Natives
4 / 1119 |
Campaign History
9 / 2505 |
2 / 494 |
Casablanca, A League of Their own, and The Greatest Generation
5 / 1288 |
Casue Of The Civil War
3 / 689 |
Cause Of The Civil War
5 / 1270 |
Causes Of The Salem Witch Craft Trials
8 / 1982 |
Causes Of World War I
10 / 2552 |
Causes Of Wwi
2 / 503 |
Causes of the American Civil War
6 / 1551 |
Causes of the American Revolution
4 / 893 |
Causes of the American Revolution
4 / 895 |
Causes of the Civil War
4 / 888 |
Causes of the Civil War
6 / 1581 |
Causes of the Revolution
3 / 598 |
Causes of the Salem Witch Trials: Political, Religious and Social
17 / 4628 |
Causes of the War of 1812
7 / 1732 |
Ceaser Chavez
9 / 2478 |