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Title |
Pages / Words |
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Segmentation Cooking School William Angliss
13 / 3526 |
Analysis of the General Environement of Bakhresa Group of Companies
14 / 3893 |
Election Speech
7 / 1903 |
Canada's Defining Moments
4 / 1070 |
12 / 3156 |
Why does the Iliad conclude with the funeral of Hektor?
6 / 1675 |
Photographic Influence on Degas Work
6 / 1487 |
Amazing Grace
7 / 1786 |
Ecline and Fall and Sun also Rises
4 / 881 |
An Examination of Southern Dialect
10 / 2794 |
Mary Shelley and Parallels
4 / 990 |
Say it, Write it, Defend it and Judge it – in English!
14 / 3676 |
Architecture of Transition and Production of Meaning
13 / 3593 |
Joy Luck Club
4 / 985 |
The Matrix
31 / 8428 |
Porphyria’s Lover
16 / 4295 |
Comedy in Shakespeare
8 / 2176 |
Was It Me, Or Not Me, That Is The Question
5 / 1195 |
2 / 474 |
The Day The World Cried
4 / 861 |
4 / 920 |
1929 Stock Market Cr
8 / 2198 |
70'S Music And Style
3 / 607 |
12 / 3198 |
A Golden Age
2 / 328 |
A Hollow Argument
21 / 5678 |
A response paper to The Good Black
6 / 1437 |
AMerican Studies
5 / 1202 |
5 / 1153 |
African American Problems
2 / 467 |
African Immigration to Colonial America - An Essay
3 / 724 |
African-American Church
9 / 2292 |
Alexander Hamilton & The American Revolution
14 / 3865 |
Alger Hiss Spy Case
9 / 2277 |
American Dream
10 / 2591 |
American History
33 / 8990 |
American Identity: a Buffet of Culture
3 / 824 |
American Isolationism
6 / 1474 |
American Landscapes
5 / 1218 |
American Revolution
14 / 3804 |
American Revolution: What Were They Really Fighting For?
45 / 12361 |
American civil rights
40 / 10928 |
Americas perspective on politics
19 / 5221 |
Analysis of A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary
2 / 520 |
Analysis of Coleridge Jackson
4 / 981 |
Andrew Jackson Essay
3 / 652 |
Appellate Brief
36 / 10038 |
21 / 5830 |
Asian American Experience
6 / 1650 |
Automobiles in American Society
4 / 924 |
a new religious America
7 / 1943 |
african american culture
15 / 4128 |
african american literature
8 / 1994 |
3 / 708 |
appendix b
2 / 551 |
Bay Of Pigs
16 / 4236 |
Bay Of Pigs
16 / 4390 |
Billy Budd Summary
12 / 3132 |
baroque music
21 / 5674 |
bay of pigs
16 / 4390 |
black arts movement
6 / 1605 |
9 / 2420 |
Civil Rights
36 / 9996 |
Classical Liberalism vs. Classical Conservatism
5 / 1385 |
11 / 2852 |
Cone Essay
6 / 1553 |
Consent Searches are Bullocks
6 / 1527 |
Constitution Supercedes Citizen's Right
10 / 2800 |
Cuban Missile Crisis Analysis
6 / 1438 |
chris in education
1 / 265 |
civil war
5 / 1200 |
cold war
3 / 679 |
9 / 2353 |
38 / 10461 |
Decades in Quick Review
8 / 2100 |
Declaration Of Independence Today
8 / 1963 |
Declaration Of Independence
35 / 9601 |
Diversity In America
5 / 1281 |
Dr. Strangelove
17 / 4506 |
4 / 843 |
11 / 3075 |
Flappers In The Roaring Twenties
8 / 1986 |
For what purposes do US presidents construct doctrines and do they have a defining impact on US foreign policy or are they merely rhetoric?
15 / 3979 |
Foreign affairs on Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton
11 / 3078 |
France's Contrabution To The American Revolution
29 / 7885 |
Frank Loyd Wright
7 / 1822 |
Free Speech on the Internet v. United States Constitution
6 / 1456 |
Freedom In America
3 / 808 |
founding brothers review
5 / 1154 |
George Mason
18 / 4780 |
George Washington
4 / 1035 |
4 / 1061 |
good and evil in lord of the rings
13 / 3547 |
great presidents
8 / 2015 |
griswold v CT
3 / 629 |
Harlem Renaissance
6 / 1580 |
Hatfield &Amp; The Bybee Torture Memo
7 / 1804 |
Henry Ford's Automobile and It's Effects on American Culture
7 / 1936 |
Hippie Movement
7 / 1823 |
Historical Aspects Of The Last Of The Mohicans
17 / 4504 |
History fo Civil Defense in the United States 1945- Present
6 / 1511 |
History of American Literature
13 / 3417 |
History of Subway Art
5 / 1155 |
40 / 10987 |
Hit or Miss
5 / 1227 |
5 / 1160 |
henry clay
5 / 1248 |
history of animation
21 / 5603 |
2 / 380 |
I Just Wanna Be Average
21 / 5804 |
Ia Drang: The First Battle
22 / 5911 |
Immigrants: Becoming American And Defining What It Means To Be An American
7 / 1820 |
Insanity Defense
14 / 3691 |
iran contra scandal
7 / 1921 |
James Danforth Quayle - the Right Man for the Job?
9 / 2324 |
Jim Crow
5 / 1157 |
Jim Thorpe
9 / 2310 |
Johnstown Flood
4 / 968 |
jefferson vs hamilton
2 / 445 |
john hope franklin
12 / 3089 |
King Philips War
8 / 2112 |
10 / 2744 |
Letter from the frontline
2 / 285 |
2 / 460 |
12 / 3171 |
Dilemmas in Law
8 / 2158 |
10 / 2590 |
Majority Rules and Minority Rights
2 / 541 |
Manifest Destiny
2 / 524 |
8 / 2002 |
27 / 7544 |
Mintz Summary
1 / 275 |
Monroe Doctrine
6 / 1544 |
Moon Landing
4 / 1047 |
7 / 1749 |
10 / 2755 |
My thoery
33 / 9019 |
15 / 4168 |
15 / 4051 |
7 / 1910 |
New Negro
4 / 859 |
North and South- Jackson
5 / 1146 |
Ny Rap
4 / 988 |
national military strategy
4 / 1067 |
10 / 2573 |
A dream
3 / 738 |
Air Force
17 / 4483 |
Alexander the Great
6 / 1496 |
3 / 669 |
8 / 2031 |
Barack Obama
18 / 5040 |
Bill Clinton - Redefines Democratic-republican
4 / 1060 |
Biography Of Michelangelo
7 / 1683 |
Cesar Chavez
5 / 1336 |
Cesar Chavez
6 / 1592 |
Chap 5
18 / 4951 |
Cleopatra: The Historical Seductress
5 / 1263 |
DXM biography
5 / 1156 |
Defining Virtual Teams
1 / 205 |
Edgar Allen Poe: A great American Icon
6 / 1415 |
Edgar Degas
2 / 393 |
Exceptional Management
3 / 583 |
emile durkheim
5 / 1327 |
Frank Lloyd Wright
7 / 1811 |
H.G. Wells
7 / 1787 |
3 / 688 |
Hispanic American Diversity
4 / 979 |
Identity of Maya Angelou
2 / 337 |
Isaac Newton's Life
11 / 3015 |
22 / 5891 |
1 / 190 |
James Joyce
9 / 2312 |
Jim Morrison; From Boy To Legend
6 / 1444 |
Jimi Hendrix
4 / 1045 |
John F. Kenedy
27 / 7403 |
Joseph Patrick Kennedy Biography
14 / 3878 |
3 / 823 |
Leadership Analysis of Russian President Vladimir Putin
10 / 2645 |
Life and Contributions of A.V. Feigenbaum
9 / 2388 |
8 / 2173 |
Malcolm X: Historical Perceptions
12 / 3151 |
2 / 416 |
3 / 749 |
7 / 1886 |
Nelson Poynter
2 / 332 |
Paul Strand
6 / 1561 |
Pearl S. Buck - A Modern Day Hero
11 / 2929 |
5 / 1165 |
Stieglitz, Alfred -- Father Of Modern Photography
4 / 1007 |
3 / 694 |
The Art Of Rock And Roll By Charles Brown
13 / 3472 |
The Autobiographical Elements In The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe
6 / 1626 |
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative
7 / 1776 |
The Life of Carl Marx
25 / 6949 |
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: The Formation Of Iden
8 / 2152 |
The Ramones
3 / 839 |
The Working, Single Mother Primary Care Vs. Secondary Care
5 / 1365 |
The world
11 / 3070 |
the association between truth and dare
27 / 7288 |
thugs life
4 / 937 |