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Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper"
8 / 2109 |
Comparative Politics in the United Kingdom
6 / 1646 |
Adolf Hilter
7 / 1947 |
Raphael Sanzio Biography
6 / 1525 |
Lee Kuan Yew
8 / 2148 |
Earnest Hooton
13 / 3593 |
Analysis of the General Environement of Bakhresa Group of Companies
14 / 3893 |
Techsonic Industries Inc. Humminbird New Products
10 / 2795 |
Case Study Silvio Napoli at Schindler India
4 / 894 |
2 / 392 |
Asian Religions in the USA
5 / 1379 |
Paul’s Letter to the Philippians Book Critique
5 / 1245 |
Chinese and Japanese Painting in Los Angeles
4 / 896 |
Business Operations and Logistics
9 / 2463 |
Turkey Economic and Social System
7 / 1912 |
Conflict between Islamic and Western Civilizations
9 / 2407 |
History of Philosophy
5 / 1395 |
World Philosophers
6 / 1509 |
Religion and society in Tibet
8 / 2163 |
Technology under Asymmetric Information
6 / 1547 |
Movie "Sully" and History
9 / 2442 |
The "Hoosiers" Film Paper Analysis
8 / 2183 |
Songs: “Formation”, “Mirror”, “Same Love”, “Family Portrait”
7 / 1830 |
The Negative Impact of Television
7 / 1909 |
Science in the Muslim World
10 / 2563 |
The "Lost" TV Series
12 / 3154 |
Latin American Politics
6 / 1625 |
US-South Korea Relations
11 / 2985 |
Japanese Politics
10 / 2581 |
Africa's War Against Terror
2 / 418 |
Egyptian Pyramids
5 / 1291 |
3 / 599 |
SADC: Recent Developments and Achievements
6 / 1591 |
Somalia vs United States
6 / 1439 |
The Berlin Conference and its Effect upon Africa
4 / 927 |
American Colonies
7 / 1762 |
America's Foreign Policy - 1939-Present
2 / 361 |
Canada's Defining Moments
4 / 1070 |
5 / 1174 |
Early relationships with Native Americans
2 / 370 |
5 / 1306 |
5 / 1266 |
The Aztecs
2 / 500 |
The Boston Tea Party and America’s Independence
5 / 1165 |
The Coercive Acts
2 / 457 |
The Continental Congress
7 / 1916 |
Ancient Greece
7 / 1703 |
Ancient Greek Medicine
6 / 1434 |
Ancient Roman Laws
5 / 1189 |
3 / 669 |
8 / 2182 |
Early Roman History
4 / 861 |
Hannibal: Master General of the Ancient World
2 / 360 |
4 / 864 |
King Ramses II
3 / 701 |
King Tutankhamun
4 / 895 |
Ramses II
3 / 701 |
The 1500s
7 / 1873 |
The Agora
1 / 104 |
The Crusades
6 / 1433 |
The Emporer Caesar
6 / 1474 |
The First Crusade
6 / 1413 |
The Mayans Way Of Life
5 / 1306 |
Women in Ancient Greece: Athens and Sparta
9 / 2450 |
A Study of a Dionysiac Sarcophagus
5 / 1333 |
Australian Art 1930-1960
18 / 4990 |
9 / 2331 |
8 / 2117 |
9 / 2363 |
Jaques Louis David
7 / 1890 |
Leading a School
5 / 1253 |
12 / 3181 |
Middle Age Entertainers
8 / 1982 |
Salvador Dali and M.C. Escher
2 / 526 |
The Globe Theater
4 / 902 |
The History of Greek Theater
9 / 2442 |
Three Architecture Styles
5 / 1340 |
Changing Values and Culture Shock
6 / 1550 |
Energy Crisis in Pakistan
2 / 290 |
6 / 1678 |
Malaysian Economic Policy and FDI
13 / 3540 |
6 / 1428 |
Russian Culture: A look at its Religion and Art
5 / 1123 |
Adolf Hitler
5 / 1252 |
Alexander the Great
10 / 2775 |
Alexander the Great
10 / 2600 |
Baruch Spinoza
7 / 1717 |
Bela Bartok
3 / 704 |
Bill Gates
5 / 1223 |
Castro and Caesar
2 / 466 |
Charles Manson: Orgins of a Madman
10 / 2701 |
15 / 3935 |
5 / 1126 |
Franklin Roosevelt: Man of the Year
2 / 488 |
Frederick Douglas
5 / 1209 |
Galileo: A Man on a Mission
5 / 1362 |
George Orwell
8 / 2081 |
Herbert Hoover
5 / 1191 |
Herbert Hoover
2 / 369 |
Hitler, Adolf - Biography
5 / 1251 |
Ivan the Terrible
5 / 1326 |
2 / 298 |
Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
7 / 1778 |
Lyndon B Johnson
6 / 1502 |
Mahatma Gandhi
5 / 1312 |
Maria Theresa
3 / 749 |
Martin Luther
6 / 1426 |
Michelangelo Buonarroti
3 / 596 |
Napoleon Bonaparte
3 / 715 |
Pat Buchanan
12 / 3265 |
Review of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
6 / 1662 |
Robert E Lee
8 / 1986 |
Ronald Reagan "The Great Communicator"
15 / 4101 |
A Tale of Two Cities- A Historical fiction
7 / 1742 |
Amusing Ourselves to Death; Mediums, Friend or Foe?
4 / 1085 |
Anne Frank
3 / 627 |
Clash of Words
5 / 1323 |
Colonialism changed the roles of Europeans
5 / 1171 |
Comparison on "Watership Down" and "From Hutch to House Pets...."
4 / 858 |
Critical Analysis of Golding’s Use of Tone in Lord Of The Flies
5 / 1164 |
Critique of Kane and Abel
7 / 1711 |
Lord Of The Flies - A Critical View
2 / 499 |
Miss Maudie & Aunt Alex
6 / 1441 |
Mohandas Ghandi
5 / 1354 |
Red Cloud's Revenge
3 / 813 |
The Awakening
2 / 539 |
The Cone Gatheres - Critical Evaluation
6 / 1521 |
The Great Gatsby A Critical Analysis
3 / 586 |
The Great Gatsby
7 / 1805 |
The Great Gatsby
5 / 1248 |
The Outsiders
3 / 750 |
The Red River Settlement
3 / 707 |
The Storm
4 / 933 |
The Zen of Zinn: A look at the first 3 chapters of A People's History
8 / 2101 |
Two Empires In Japan
7 / 1861 |
Conquering of Fear
4 / 1117 |
Conquering of Fears
4 / 1119 |
I Experienced Culture Shock!
2 / 384 |
My Childhood Memory
3 / 563 |
Oprah Winfrey
3 / 701 |
Organizational Safety Concerns and Measures
4 / 849 |
Sylvia's Use of Senses in Ariel
8 / 2141 |
‘Saying’ as ‘Inventing’
13 / 3552 |
A View from the Bridge
27 / 7334 |
An Inspector Calls
4 / 997 |
Different Types of Criticism and Literary Movements in Short Stories
8 / 2059 |
Emily Dickinson
13 / 3502 |
Gregorik Andras
12 / 3357 |
It's Raining in Mango
4 / 1110 |
Kerouac and Tyler, On the Road and Saint Maybe
8 / 1977 |
Leiningen Versus The Ants
3 / 578 |
Masculinity in Hemingway
5 / 1195 |
Milton’s Paradise Lost
15 / 4162 |
Mr Collins: Character Review
4 / 1077 |
6 / 1491 |
Ordinary Men
3 / 568 |
Personal Statement
2 / 386 |
Romulus and Remus
3 / 633 |
Say it, Write it, Defend it and Judge it – in English!
14 / 3676 |
Syllabus vs Curriculum
15 / 3986 |
Symbology in Ethan Frome
1 / 244 |
The Great American Illusion
3 / 781 |
The Handmaid's Tale
4 / 878 |
The Last of the Mohicans as a Mixture of Genres
10 / 2573 |
The Life and Writings of St. Paul
3 / 684 |
What Do You Find Interesting About The Ways The Writer Presents?
4 / 878 |
A History of Poland
4 / 986 |
British Foreign Relationships
8 / 2135 |
Cause and Effect: The Crusades
1 / 250 |
Germany: The answer to an old Question
9 / 2343 |
Gin Act
3 / 617 |
Great Britain
7 / 1815 |
6 / 1561 |
Industrial Revolution
4 / 1027 |
Kissinger, Metternich, Realism
4 / 887 |
Medieval Castles
6 / 1456 |
Mycenaean Civilization
6 / 1598 |
13 / 3381 |
4 / 986 |
Policy Proposal for Economic Reform in Russia
10 / 2642 |
Southern Cyprus
16 / 4284 |
The Crusades
4 / 914 |
The Italian Wars
7 / 1756 |
The Protestant Reformation
1 / 166 |
The Seven Years War
9 / 2354 |
Voltaire: A History That Never Moved
12 / 3225 |
Why was Karl Marx so disparaging of the utopian socialists
8 / 2156 |
Architecture of Transition and Production of Meaning
13 / 3593 |
Basic Greek History
6 / 1501 |
British Monarchy
21 / 5772 |
Canadian Flag
3 / 810 |
Causes of WW1
8 / 2226 |
Collapse of the Soviet Union
4 / 933 |
Czarist Regime
7 / 1934 |
Formation of the Triple Alliance
3 / 744 |
From Republic to Empire
2 / 496 |
7 / 1877 |
Intellectual Life of the Painters of the Early Renaissance
8 / 2191 |
Jean-Louis David + Jean-Jacques Rousseau
5 / 1357 |
Martin Luther
1 / 149 |