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Topic: Psychology
Number of pages / Number of words: 5 / 1366
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The only sound is the pounding of

the rain.

Neville's back is to Domingo.

A silent pause.




She's going to be fine, Bob.

Neville finally turns.


I'm going home.


Rain batters the windscreen.

Through the black tempest Neville can just make out the razor

of highway slicing through the desert...

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Rain batters the windscreen.

Through the black tempest Neville can just make out the razor

of highway slicing through the desert.

The radio is on:


FEMA and the Red Cross have centered

their activities on centers of mass

population. New York, Chicago,

Atlanta and Los Angeles have already

been declared federal disaster areas

and the Centers for Disease Control

is preparing quarantine protocols

for --

Neville switches the radio off and presses the gas, speeding

faster through the rain...

Essay fragment

General points of the essay

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