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Topic: Psychology
Number of pages / Number of words: 12 / 3194
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Andrew's Press 1992

Peter Coleman "Gay Christians: A Moral Dilemma" SCM 1989 Careful and even-handed treatment by an Anglican bishop

Andrew Comisky "Pursuing sexual wholeness" Monarch 1990 Thought-provoking strategy to achieve wholeness

R W Cromey "In God's Image" Alamo Square Press 1991 American Episcopalian argues for gay and lesbian equality in the eyes of the church

Davies & Rentzel "Coming out of Homosexuality" H&S 1993 American case studies of people struggling with homosexuality

Susan Durber (ed) "As Man and Woman Made" URC 1994

Wide range of perspectives on marriage, many from URC members

Evangelical Alliance "Faith, Hope and Homosexuality" EA 1998

Concise up-to-date statement of main evangelical contribution

Greg Forster "Cohabitation and Marriage - A Pastoral Response" Marshall Pickering 1994

"Healing Love's Wounds - A Pastoral Approach to Divorce and Re-marriage" Marshall Pickering 1995

Combination of ethical and pastoral discussions from an evangelical Anglican

Germain Grisez "The Way of the Lord Jesus" vol II, ch 9 Franciscan Herald Press 1993 Written by a Roman Catholic moral theologian

Kathy Galloway (Ed) "Dreaming of Eden: Reflections on Christianity and Sexuality" Wild Goose, 1997

Collection of essays and poems produced under the auspices of the Iona Community

Sally B Gies & Donald E Messer (Eds)

"Caught in the Crossfire - helping Christians debate homosexuality" Abingdon Press 1994

Useful material for discussion from all sides of the debate

Dean H Hamer and Simon LeVay

"Evidence for a Biological Influence in Male Homosexuality" Scientific American, vol 270, no...

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Andrew's Press 1992

Peter Coleman "Gay Christians: A Moral Dilemma" SCM 1989 Careful and even-handed treatment by an Anglican bishop

Andrew Comisky "Pursuing sexual wholeness" Monarch 1990 Thought-provoking strategy to achieve wholeness

R W Cromey "In God's Image" Alamo Square Press 1991 American Episcopalian argues for gay and lesbian equality in the eyes of the church

Davies & Rentzel "Coming out of Homosexuality" H&S 1993 American case studies of people struggling with homosexuality

Susan Durber (ed) "As Man and Woman Made" URC 1994

Wide range of perspectives on marriage, many from URC members

Evangelical Alliance "Faith, Hope and Homosexuality" EA 1998

Concise up-to-date statement of main evangelical contribution

Greg Forster "Cohabitation and Marriage - A Pastoral Response" Marshall Pickering 1994

"Healing Love's Wounds - A Pastoral Approach to Divorce and Re-marriage" Marshall Pickering 1995

Combination of ethical and pastoral discussions from an evangelical Anglican

Germain Grisez "The Way of the Lord Jesus" vol II, ch 9 Franciscan Herald Press 1993 Written by a Roman Catholic moral theologian

Kathy Galloway (Ed) "Dreaming of Eden: Reflections on Christianity and Sexuality" Wild Goose, 1997

Collection of essays and poems produced under the auspices of the Iona Community

Sally B Gies & Donald E Messer (Eds)

"Caught in the Crossfire - helping Christians debate homosexuality" Abingdon Press 1994

Useful material for discussion from all sides of the debate

Dean H Hamer and Simon LeVay

"Evidence for a Biological Influence in Male Homosexuality" Scientific American, vol 270, no...

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General points of the essay

Discussion of "the liberty of the Press" Alexander Hamilton Homosexuality in Paul's Case American Pastoral the american press-an overview Is Treating Homosexuality Ethical and Effective Homosexuality in Orthodox Christianity Conflicting Perspectives of Traditional and Homosexuality Homosexuality and Marriage Homosexuality in Film Homosexuality in Ha Jin's The Bridegroom Homosexuality satire Homosexuality Homosexuality: Learned Or Biological My understanding on why Christianity stands strongly against Homosexuality Viruses, Trojan horses and worms can be the cause of damage to a computer system ? are people who generate them breaking the law? Use examples or case studies from the press or text books to explain your answer

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