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Buy custom Freud vs. Erikson

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Topic: Psychology
Number of pages / Number of words: 30 / 8396
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Teorie, ktore zacal predkladat (teoria detskej sexuality a univerzalnej incestuoznej tu?by) neprijal lekarsky svet a vdaka tomu stravil mnoho prvych rokov v profesionalnej izolacii. Napriek tomu, s malou skupinou nasledovnikov (C. G. Jung, A. Adler) sa oddelili a sformulovali vlastne psychoanalyticke teorie...

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Freud zalo?il Medzinarodnu psychoanalyticku asociaciu a pokracoval vo svojej praci.

Popri svojej praci si v?dy na?iel cas na svoju man?elku ? Marthu Bernaysovu a pat deti vo Viedni. Jeho najmlad?ia dcera a najbli??ia spolocnicka Anna sa sama stala psychoanalytickou. Freudovou osobnou extravaganciu bola va?en pre staro?itnosti...

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General points of the essay

Erik Erikson “The Child as Father to the Man” - Erikson and Identity Eric Erikson Erik Erikson and an Eleven Year Old Boy Erikson'S Eight Stages Of Development erikson stage of developmant Freud V Erikson Freud V. Erikson Freud vs Erikson Freud vs. Erikson Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson Piaget V Erikson Stages Of Development: Comparison Between Freud And Erikson The seventh stage of Erikson neo-Freudian Erik Erikson

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