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Buy custom Critically Discuss The Psychoanalytic Concept Of Repressionrepression

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Topic: Psychology
Number of pages / Number of words: 5 / 1304
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But it disappears once the topic has been disposed.

At this point one must realise that the patient is not consciously aware of any of this.

We have formed the idea that in each individual there is a coherent organization of mental processes, and we call this his ego. It is to this ego that consciousness is attached; the ego is the mental agency which supervises all its own constituent processes, and which goes to sleep at night, though even then it exercises the censorship on dreams...

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It is to this ego that consciousness is attached; the ego is the mental agency which supervises all its own constituent processes, and which goes to sleep at night, though even then it exercises the censorship on dreams. From this ego proceed the repressions; too by means of which it is sought to exclude certain trends in the mind not merely from consciousness but also from other forms of effectiveness and activity...

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General points of the essay

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