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Topic: Europe
Number of pages / Number of words: 3 / 617
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As shown in document six, His Majesty gets ?70,000 a year on gin tax, but if he raises the tax to the point where poor people can't pay for gin then he would lose ? 70,000. So the king would be poorer if he raises the tax on gin and he won't make the people who like to drink, happy.

As one can see, there are many different ways to think of gin and other distilled liquors...

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Some people like it and some people did not. In the end, Parliament believed they needed to stop the amount of drinking in London because of the people's health, which lead to the making of the Gin Act of 1751. This, as seen in the historical background, "prohibited gin distillers from selling to unlicensed merchants, restricted retail licenses to substantial property holders, and charged high fee to those merchants eligible for retail licenses...

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